One of the best ways to get noticed over other used panty sellers on the internet is to offer more to your buyers in terms of sensory experience. At the end of the day, the buyer of a used panty is buying nothing more than an experience, a part of your experience. As a seller, it is important to make the proposition as thrilling and simulating for these buyers as possible.
Many buyers will specifically ask for your pictures. Other may request photographs of you clicked from a particular angle, or in a specific enticing pose. The requests will differ from buyer to buyer based on individual quirks. However, one thing is for sure - the more flattering, high-quality, and professionally clicked your images are, the better are the chances of your goods being snapped up over others.
Here's how to break free from the shackles of mediocrity and create top-class photographs for your used panty listing.
Start Collecting Before You Post
It's a good idea to have a fair number of pictures of you in your panties before you are ready to start selling them online. There are hundreds and thousands of women out there looking to make fast money by selling used panties online. Be competitive. Put your best foot forward, and make sure the world sees it.
Learn what camera angles make you appear the most flattering. Learn the best way to wear a used garment to make it look more desirable. It is important differentiate between distasteful vulgarity and classy body-show. Remember, the last thing some of your buyers may be looking for is associating with a person perceived as vulgar and repulsive.
Basics of Flattering Photography
Pay attention to the basics of photography. You can take a short photography class to learn the basics of balance, color, composition, and the likes to better equip yourself for clicking professional looking images.
It is also a good idea to enlist the services of an inexpensive professional photographer or a friend learning photography to make the task easier for you. Clicking and posting selfies in your panties with your mobile phone seems to be a popular choice for those without the equipment or experience of shooting professional photos. Just ensure that you have a high resolution camera phone that serves the purpose of taking high-quality photographs. The same is true if you're using webcams or camcorders to create digital content for selling your panties online.
This may seem like an investment in the beginning, but keep in mind that your buyer has a limited attention span and hundreds of listings looking to grab his attention, and you have only a few seconds to make your listing stand out.
Size Does Matter
One of the biggest mistakes that people make while creating digital content is not making their images compatible for the specific medium. You might end up taking images that are not the size required for digital presentation. The size issues make it a daunting task to post and upload these images. If you're just starting out and aren't too proficient with image-based software, use MS Paint to play with the size and dimension of your images.
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